A National seminar was organized by Lady Harding Medical College New Delhi & World College of Medical Sciences and Research, Jhajjar on 26th Dec, 2016 at Swarna Jayanti auditorium, LHMC.
Chief Guest was Mr. Faggan Singh Kulaste, Minister of state, Health & Medical Education, Govt. of India other dignitaries were Dr. Narendra Singh, Chairman, WCMSRH, Jhajjar, Director of LHMC, General Secretary of LHMC, employee association.
Seminar was inaugurated by Chief Guest Mr. Faggan Singh Kulaste, Dr. Narendra Singh and Director LHMC by lightening the lamp followed by Saraswati Vandana by students of WCMSR, Jhajjar, Haryana.
Mr. Faggan Singh Kulaste, while addressing the session emphasized on collaboration of the Govt. policies/infrastructure with medical college and NGOs. Also he appreciated the WCMSR collective efforts in social sector – Medical camps, blood donation camps, various health related awareness and prevention programs, including Tobacco, Alcohol addictions & Smoking. Mr. Faggan Singh Kulaste hoped that he would like to see more participatory approach from WCMSR. He also advised similar actions to be taken by all colleges and NGOs.
Dr. Narendra Singh, addressed the issues of Ghutka, Tobacco & Smoking and it impact on health and economy, he also emphasized psychosocial impart of tobacco, alcohol which often results in family disputes, social isolation, behavioral disorders. He assured the Chief Guest and the gathering, WCMSR will be among the top institution as a principal initiator /participator for the government policies, initiatives about awareness program of tobacco/addition use and eradication of the cancer related to tobacco.
Seminar further proceeded with two guest lectures from Deptt. of Chest & TB, Surgery & Gynaecology, which elaborated, etiology, adverse effects of tobacco and prevention of cancer. Faculties, medical students and other staff were happy as being part of such a informative session.
Seminar was graced by presence Dean of WCMSR, Dr. Indu Khurana and other faculty members. Dr. Usha Russia, Dr. B.R. Sharma, Dr. Gayatri Rath, Dr. Sushil, Dr. N. Kamath, Dr. Bhagwat, Dr. Parmil Kumar Sharma, Dr . Dhingra, Dr. Baishali, Dr.Niharika, Dr. B.N. Singh, Dr. Yogesh Kumar, Dr. Yogesh Chahar, Dr. Shashikant, Dr. Deepti Jain. Dr. Majeptra, Dr. Jasneet, Dr. Archana Sharma, Dr. Shweta.
Proactive contribution of Dean, Dr. Indu Khurana, Medical Superintendent, Dr. N.K. Sharma and Addl. Medical Superintendent Dr. R.K.Choudhary was instrumental in organizing and effecting this seminar.