A CME onward Alzheimer’s day was organized on 21/09/2016 by the department of Psychiatry in Lecture Theater-I from 2:00PM to 3:30 PM.
Chief Guest invited were Dr. Ramesh Dhankhar, (CMO, Jhajjar), Dr. Naresh Garg (Medical Superintendent, Jhajjar) and Dr. Vineet Yadav (NHRM in charge, Jhajjar).
Presentation on Basic information of Alzheimer’s Disease was given by Dr. Prashant Mishra, Deptt. of Psychiatry) and an current trends of Alzheimer’s Disease was given by Dr. Niharika Singh (Deptt. of Psychiatry).
CME was attended by WCMSRH faculty and Nursing Staff members.
The gathering was addressed by Dr. S.Kumar, (Medical Superintendent), Dr. R.K.Chaudhary (Addl. M.S.) Dr. N.K.Gupta (Associate Dean), Dr. Bamal (HOD, Pediatrics), Dr. V. Gupta (Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology)